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The Petit Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience (IBB) is in the business of creating the next—the next collaborative discovery, the next educational opportunity, the next startup company.

We are an incubator for tackling complex research problems by bringing together engineers, scientists, and clinicians to turn discoveries into game-changing solutions. With 19 research centers, 200+ faculty members, and state-of-the-art core facilities, the possibilities for innovation are limitless.


High school education program that raises awareness to the world of engineering, science, and technology 

Bio Launchpad Seminars

Helps GT entrepreneurs learn how to fund and commercialize their technology

Bioengineering Program

One of the three interdisciplinary graduate programs supported by IBB

Core Facilities

The Petit Institute (IBB) is a unique, interdisciplinary research and educational institute composed of state-of-the-art laboratories and globally recognized academic and research engineers and scientists.

In concert with its affiliated centers and faculty, IBB provides access to more than $400M of combined research tools and laboratories for education and technology transfer.

Researchers are encouraged to take advantage of our shared user laboratories, equipment, and expertise, and we welcome you to explore our facilities and the opportunities supported by our buildings and laboratories.


Semiconductors make our world run, but the industry faces a turning point. For decades, computer chip efficiency has doubled every two years, but that progress is slowing. To complicate the problem…
Robots that can run, jump, and even talk have shifted from the stuff of science fiction to reality in the past few decades. Yet even in robots specialized for specific movements like running, animals…
In a group of papers released May 1 in the journal Nature, scientists are one step closer to a whole-body map of the body’s cellular responses to endurance exercise — identifying striking “all tissue…


"The Fourth Trimester and Beyond: Optimizing Postpartum Maternal Cardio-metabolic Health" - Suchitra Chandrasekaran, MD, Emory University
"Securing Investment for Your Startup: Securing Investment for Your Startup: What Savvy Biotech/healthcare VCs Care About"
Open to all graduate student and postdoc trainees - Network with industry leaders, communicate your research and expand your career opportunities!
"REMagine: Engineering Tomorrow's Medicine"